Networks are a vital part of our computing lives, whether it be through the internet, your company's LAN,
or the wireless access you and your kids share at home. Not all networks are created equal, though, and
that's where we come in. MianoVision works with you to design the best solution by factoring computing needs, budget,
and more.
Many of our clients have existing networks in place, and are either unhappy with their current
level of performance or worried about their network security. If this sounds familiar, or
perhaps you'd like to just see where you stand, let us perform a free preliminary assessment
to identify trouble spots and help simplify and secure your network. No matter if you have a
wired or wireless structure in place (or are looking to install one), we'll perform a site
survey and help you decide which is the best fit for you.
A Wired Network is defined as two or more connected computers that share resources such as hardware,
data, and/or software. Most common are the Local Area Networks (LAN) and the Wide Area Networks (WAN).
A LAN can range from a few computers in a small office to several thousand spread throughout dozens of
buildings on a school campus or industrial park. Expand this latter scenario to encompass multiple
geographic locations, possibly on different continents, and you have a WAN.
A wireless network allows computers to share printers, files, or an internet connection without
any wires between them. Wireless networking hardware uses radio frequencies to transmit information
between the individual computers, with each computer requiring a wireless network adapter. A wireless
network hub or router is used to bridge the wireless network to traditional ethernet or home phone line
networks, or provide a shared internet connection.