Columbia native Kinnik Sky's incredible voice was honored when she was chosen to head to Hollywood for the nation's
#1 show, American Idol. She bested tens of thousands of other singers and scored a solid spot on the top 16.
MianoVision was honored to develop Kinnik's Official Webpage, and the entire project was done, from start to finish, in an incredible 48 hours.
Fans of Kinnik's have sent her hundreds of fanmails through the site, and many of these have communicated with each other via the easy-to-use
customized chat room and forums. Type Kinnik Sky into Google and you'll find her website is not only listed on the first page, but it can usually be
found in the #4 spot.
Kinnik has become an International hit. Her site has receives thousands upon thousands of hits since it was launched in February of 2006.
Most of the visits to her website are from the US, however some originate from countries including Great Britin, Austraila, Japan, Singapore,
Brazil, Switerland, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Thailand, and MANY more!
Click to visit her site!